Saturday 17 February 2024

Saturday 17th February

 An interesting February day. Highlights included the return of the seven Tundra Bean Geese to Low Marishes. Two Russian White-fronted Geese at Potter Brompton Carr.  A Black Redstart was seen briefly on roof tops at Queens Parade, North Bay. A was  Ring-necked Parakeet on a garden feeder at Ravenscar. A male Blackcap on feeders at Newby Farm Road, Newby. Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese moving north along the coast; 423 between 08.25 and 08.45. The Great Northern Diver, and Great Crested Grebe in South Bay. Some excellent wader counts; 63 Purple Sandpipers (6 Scalby Mills + 57 Gristhorpe Bay), 316 Redshank (68 Scalby Mills + 248 Gristhorpe Bay), 316 Oystercatchers (264 Jackson's Bay + 52 Gristhorpe Bay), 159 Curlew (14 Jackson's Field +15 Jackson's Bay + 132 Gristhorpe Bay), 39 Turnstone(22 harbour + 1 S Mills + 16 Gristhorpe Bay). Other highlights from Low Marishes were 5 Pintail, 6 Whooper Swans, 450 Pink-footed Geese, Little Egret. At Potter Brompton Carr also two Great White Egrets,  3 Little Egrets, 2 Shelducks, 104 Pink-footed Geese, 24 Shoveler, 226 Teal, 106 Wigeon, Marsh Harrier, 110 Brambling, 130 Linnets, Cetti's Warbler, a Willow Tit, 2 Grey Partridge. 31 Golden Plover at Binnington Carr. 40 Siskin at Course Lake, NY Water Park. 52 Carrion Crows Jackson's Field plus a Jackdaw showing some features of the Nordic race. 

Tundra Bean Geese, Low Marishes - James Spencer

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