Saturday, 24 February 2024

Saturday 24th February

 Lots of Goshawk action in the forests today, up to six reported from the Raptor Viewpoint, and two at Langdale Forest, and one at Cloughton Woods. Pink-footed Geese were moving north in good numbers, 550+ along the coast and 467+ over the forests. Three Ravens were also seen from the Raptor Viewpoint today. Three singing Stonechats at Derwent Head, Fylingdales Moor, and Crossbills widespread throughout our forests now, many in song. A Snow Bunting was feeding in the field behind Long Nab Observatory, two Goosanders flew north there, and 43 Wigeon high out east. 50 Brambling at Cockmoor Hall car park area, plus 100 at Wykeham Forest old nurseries. At Potter Brompton Carr; 10 Snipe, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier, Water Rail, 38 Redwing, 330 Linnets, 40 Brambling, 68 Chaffinch, 55 Tree Sparrows. The Great Northern Diver around the harbour again. c300 Golden Plover in fields at Lockton Low Moor. The Gristhorpe Bay high tide roost held 228 Curlew, 218 Redshank, 123 Oystercatchers, 56 Purple Sandpipers, and 7 Turnstone. Five Grey Partridges, and single Mediterranean and Lbb Gulls in fields there. 

Goshawk Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint - Simon Temlett. 

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