Wednesday 27 March 2024

Wednesday 27th March

 2 Common Scoter, 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2cy) in South Bay, Great Northern Diver in the harbour. A Red-legged Partridge at Castle Hill was unusual. 860 Kittiwakes off Marine Drive/South Bay/town. At Potter Brompton Carr; 10 Curlew, 22 Wigeon, 31 Teal, 3 Shelduck, 3 Lbb Gulls. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose flew north at Long Nab, good numbers of finches south early morning including 316 Siskin. A Common Sandpiper in Burniston Bay. 100 Siskin in Crossgates. At North Yorkshire Water Park; 15 Goldeneye, 12 Oystercatchers, 2 Sand Martins, and a White Wagtail. 

Common Buzzard Wykeham Forest - Stephen Beaver. 

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