Thursday, 6 August 2015

Wednesday 5th August 2015

Migration watch; 07.45 - 11.55hrs.
The clear highlight of the day was yet another good bird found in Wykeham Forest, this time a BLACK STORK that flew northwest over the Raptor viewpoint there at 11.10hrs. The third Black Stork in as many years in Scarborough!
On the move at Long Nab (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver, 5 Fulmar + 2 north, 13 Cormorant north, 7 Canada Geese, 37 Common Scoter north, 41 Oystercatcher, 7 Knot, 12 Dunlin, 1 Whimbrel, 26 Black-headed Gull, 5 Common Gull, 354 Kittiwake, 9 Sandwich Tern + 42 north, 29 Common Tern + 4 north, 53 Swift, 11 Sand Martin, 30 Swallow, 4 Goldfinch and 25 Linnet.
Elsewhere the juvenile Ruff on Johnson's Marsh was joined by a Common and a Green Sandpiper, 4 Willow Warbler were at Long Nab and 3 Yellow-legged Gulls, an adult and 2 juveniles were at Wykeham South Lake.

A Minke Whale was seen heading south past Long Nab.

Willow Warbler - Long Nab - Chris Bradshaw

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