Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Saturday 17th September 2016

Migration watch; 06.20 – 19.25hrs.
Another decent day over the waves, on the move (north unless stated) were 12 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 685 Wigeon + 9 south, 25 Pintail, 341 Teal + 19 south, 1 Tufted Duck, 2 Velvet Scoter, 71 Common Scoter + 4 south, 42 Red-throated Diver south, 108 Sooty Shearwater, 96 Manx Shearwater + 1 south, 1 Shag + 1 south, 6 Cormorant, 8 Oystercatcher + 4 south, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Curlew, 1 Turnstone south, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 29 Dunlin + 1 south, 10 Sandwich Tern + 48 south, 8 ‘Commic’ Tern, 20 Arctic Tern, 4 Great Skua south, 1 Pomarine Skua south, 4 Skua sp, 7 Arctic Skua + 5 south, 2 Long-tailed Skua at 16.16hrs and 17.19hrs + 1 south at 15.30hrs, 1 Kestrel in off and south and 3 Swallow.
Three Arctic Tern were present offshore.
On Johnson’s Marsh there were 17 Grey Heron and 2 Shoveler while a Wheatear and 100 Goldfinch were at Wykeham South Lake.

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