Saturday, 30 March 2019

Saturday 30th March

This morning's highlights from Long Nab include a Hooded Crow flying north and a Great White Egret flying north-west, while the Whimbrel remains present. Wykeham South Lake had 5 Barnacle Geese, 2 Egyptian Geese, a drake Pintail, 3 Goldeneye and a Little Egret. 3 Buzzards, 2 Kestrels, 2 Goshawks, 4 Chiffchaffs and 2 Nuthatches were seen from the road near Little Hilla Green Farm. There were 2 Water Rails again at the Open Air Theatre, and a Red Kite flew over Cayton then towards the Eastfield/Crossgates area. Another Hooded Crow plus a Siskin were seen near Holbeck, and there were 8 Purple Sandpipers on the rocks near the Clock Cafe. 4 Grey Wagtails were spotted in Forge Valley. There were Green Woodpeckers calling at Ravenscar and at Hayburn Wyke, and a White Wagtail was with 5 Pied Wagtails at Ravenscar, where there was also a Red Kite. 21 Chiffchaffs were heard singing between the Flask Inn and Scalby Mills, and a Shelduck was seen on Cloughton Pond.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Judi Kent Pyrah

Meadow Pipit - Paul Tozer

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