Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Wednesday 10th April

Highlights from Long Nab this morning were 3 Arctic Terns that flew out eastwards and a Great Northern Diver flying north. 12 Purple Sandpipers and 23 Turnstones were at the harbour, while at Wykeham South Lake there were 2 Egyptian Geese, a Pintail, 6 Goldeneye, 6 Great Crested Grebes, and a Golden Plover flew over. A Raven was seen over Harwood Dale heading west, and a Peregrine was seen there too. Late this afternoon there were 6 Swallows and 3 Sand Martins feeding over the pool below North Stile House (south of Wrench Green), where there were also 8 Teal, a pair of Grey Wagtails, a pair of Pied Wagtails, and numerous Mallard ducklings. A Red Kite was present around Ings Farm for about an hour this afternoon.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Dunnock - Emma Louise Telford

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