Monday, 8 April 2024

Monday 8th April

 A Cetti's Warbler singing this morning between the toilets and the White House at Cayton Bay. Blackcaps today at Castle Hill (5), South Cliff (4), Burniston (2) and Peasholm Glen (1). An adult male Hen Harrier flew west along the railway at Potter Brompton Carr and two male Ring Ouzel flew north. On the whole site were Sedge Warbler, Yellow Wagtail, 14 House Martin, 10 Swallow, eight Sand Martin, five Willow Warbler, 22 Brambling, Great Egret, three Little Egret, two Marsh Harrier, 22 Teal, nine Curlew and nine Common Snipe. 24 Golden Plover flew towards Binnington Carr. At South Cliff today; 10 Wheatear (5 Golf Course, 5 Holbeck rock armour), three White Wagtail, (2 Holbeck Rock Armour, 1 Cornelian), three Willow Warbler and 14 Chiffchaff. A Short-eared Owl, two Grey Partridge, three Common Snipe, three Purple Sandpiper and two Common Scoter were at Cornelian. Siskins continued to move widely with 30 in Crossgates. Approximately 25 Sand Martins were at Jackson's Bay. A Whimbrel flew north at Castle Hill this morning and two House Martin and 52 Siskin flew south. New birds in were six Wheatear, one Yellow Wagtail and a White Wagtail. The Great Northern Diver was in the harbour and 1,800 Kittiwake were in South Bay along with a Common Scoter. A Mediterranean Gull was heard. Swallows and Sand Martins were widespread in small numbers. Four Curlew and 12 Meadow Pipit at Stoupe Brow. 2 Shelduck and 15 Common Scoter flew south past Long Nab. Two Sparrowhawks over Dean Road. Apparently active nests at the following Rookeries noted this afternoon: Harwood Dale (62), Hackness (34), Lindhead/ Ripley's Road (13) and Suffield (8). Dipper on the  river at Hackness. At North Yorkshire Water Park: Female Common Scoter, four Goldeneye and a Common Snipe on East Lake. A Goldeneye and a pair of Goosander on the Water Sports Lake. 12 singing Willow Warblers at the complex.

Sand Martin, Jackson's Bay by Phil Bennet.

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