Sunday 14 April 2024

Sunday 14th April

 15 Whooper Swans over RAF Staxton this morning headed towards the coast and were later in Cayton Bay. Two Marsh harriers arrived in off there and flew west towards the Carrs. Cetti's Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat present. Two Ring Ouzels, eight Wheatear (including one Greenland type) and four pair of Curlew were in the Stoupe Brow area. A Yellow Wagtail and Raven at Ravenscar. Two Tree pipit in Harwood Dale Forest and a male Common Redstart at Scar Wood. A Lesser Whitethroat at side of Morrisons and two Common Whitethroat by the motor cycle track at Seamer Tip. Two Bullfinch, Common Whitethroat and male Blackcap were the highlights at top of Scalby Mills steps. At North Yorkshire Water Park: two Common Scoter, Goldeneye, Reed Warbler, two Swallow, 18 Sand Martin, two House Martin and Willow Tit. Little Ringed Plover on East Lake. A Great Northern Diver in South Bay and a Lesser Whitethroat and male Wheatear were new on the Castle grassland. 11 Swallow and three House Martin flew north there and flying generally south were a Wheatear, three Yellow Wagtail, three White Wagtail, eight Alba Wagtail, a Tree Pipit and 76 Siskin. Five Shelduck and three Common Buzzard at Johnson's Marsh this morning, three House Martin over Crossgates and Little Owl at Hutton Buscel. At Potter Brompton Carr from Haybridge: Marsh Harrier, three Little Egret, pair of Shoveler, Shelduck and two Yellow Wagtail.

Little Owl at Hutton Buscel by Simon Temlett.

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