Saturday 20 April 2024

Saturday 20th April

 A Lesser Whitethroat at Browns Park, Cayton Bay this morning. 13 Chiffchaff, seven Blackcap and three Willow Warbler at Wykeham and Ruston Millennium Wood. At Potter Brompton Carr from Haybridge this morning: three Little Egret, four Teal, two Shelduck, three Mute Swan, one Marsh Harrier. In the hedgerow and at the feeders there; three Brambling, two Reed Bunting, one Willow Warbler and two Chiffchaff. A Garden Warbler new at Castle Hill and Great Northern Diver in South Bay. Male Common Redstarts were at May Beck and Scar/Castlebeck Woods, also Green Woodpecker present and Raven over at the latter site. Three Brambling at Hutton Buscel.

Male Common Redstart at Scar/Castlebeck Woods by Christopher Bell.

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