Tuesday 9 April 2024

Tuesday 9th April

 An arrival of Willow Warblers across the area. 24 at the Water Sports Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park, eight at Wrench Green and nine at Castle Hill. Also at Castle Hill: Tree Pipit south, female type Ring Ouzel left west from grassland, 15 Blackcap, 23 a (13+ new), one Redwing, five Wheatear and a Brambling. Great Northern Diver again in the Harbour and a minimum of 2,575 Kittiwakes off Marine Drive (1,875) and South Bay/Town (700). Also at North Yorkshire Water Park: Four Teal, two Pochard,30 Chiffchaff, 27 Willow Warbler,12 Blackcap, two Curlew, two Common Sandpiper, four Swallow, six House Martin and two Wheatear. Six Lesser Black-backed Gull and Goldeneye on East Lake. Three Goosander on Predator Lake. A Common Whitethroat at the motor cycle track, Seamer Tip and a Cetti's Warbler, two Pochard and abundant numbers of Willow Warbler and Blackcap at Seamer Tip Pool. Three Common Buzzard over Oliver's Mount, two Yellowhammer in a Ravenscar garden and a Common Redpoll in a Cayton garden. A Little Owl again at Hutton Buscel. Three Mandarin at Hackness Lake. A White Wagtail at the southern watchpoint at Long Nab and a Wheatear behind the Obs. 60 Siskin mid afternoon in Heron Lane and adjacent park, Crossgates. 

Common Redpoll, Cayton, by Paul Tozer.

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