Saturday, 26 November 2016

Friday 25 November 2016

The Waxwing flock in the Victoria Road/Albemarle Crescent area had increased to 45 birds and a 
splinter group of five were in Alma Square. The harbour cast remained the same with both Great Northern and Red-throated Divers and the Black-necked Grebe being reported again today.

Geese were also well represented today with skeins of 21 White-fronted flying southwest over Crossgates at 10.20, 260 Pink-footed flying south over western Scarborough and another 66 flew south over the harbour.

In the morning off Marine Drive there were 2 Eiders flying north and a Shelduck went south whilst at Holbeck there were 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls flying around the car park.

A crab in Scarborough Harbour but what species? - Chris Bell

Red-throated Diver - Scarborough Harbour - Andy Hood
Black-necked Grebe - Scarborough Harbour - Andy Hood

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