Friday, 25 November 2016

Thursday 24 November 2016

New in were a group of 30 Snow Buntings that flew north over Crook Ness and a little later were found in the stubble field north of the obs.

Waxwings were still a feature of the news today with the flock of 35+ still visiting the trees opposite The Spa pub in the late afternoon, there was also a very mobile flock reported from Peasholm Park which could relate to the same birds or the North Leas Avenue birds.

In the harbour there was no change with Great Northern and Red-throated Divers, Black-necked Grebe and Guillemots all still present and nearby at Marine Drive three Eider, including one drake, were seen flying north. Finally at Wykeham South Lake there were a Redshank, 6 Egyptian Geese and 2 Goldeneye.

Waxwing - North Leas Avenue 21/11/16 - Steve Mills

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