Sunday, 27 November 2016

Sunday 27 November 2016

The status quo was maintained today with Divers, Grebe and Waxwings all still in situ.

Early on there was a drake Goldeneye in South Bay and a couple of extra Red-throated Divers in the South Bay/Harbour area. A male Stonechat was behind Marine Drive, from the shelter 3 Eiders went north and there were 3 Common Scoter on the sea and on the harbour wall (East Pier) there were 38 Purple Sandpipers.

At Long Nab going south were 52 Common Scoter (6 north), 8 Red-throated Diver (12 north), a Great Northern Diver went north, a late Sparrowhawk and a Great Skua. Also of note was a Guillemot in breeding plumage.

A solitary Waxwing was seen back on Wreyfield Drive at 11.00 am where there are plenty of berries, meanwhile this afternoon there were only 7 on Victoria Road where the berries are now exhausted.

Elsewhere there were 100 Fieldfares at Carr Fields Lane, Ayton.

unsettled Purple Sandpipers - Scarborough East Pier - Chris Bell
Red-throated Diver - Scarborough Harbour - Chris Bell

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