Saturday, 29 July 2017

Saturday 29th July 2017

Unfortunately there was no sign of the reported Golden Orioles at Holbeck today but there were a minimum of 7 Mediterranean Gulls in the area, 5 adults and 2 2cy birds, and a ♂ Common Scoter was close offshore there as well. Just along the coast in Cornelian Ravine prize of the day went to a juvenile Green Woodpecker which is a very rare bird in our area away from traditional sites and particularly along the coastal strip away from Ravenscar, and in Cornelian Bay we had a Common Scoter and a Whimbrel.

At Wykeham Raptor View Point the Honey Buzzards didn’t disappoint and two put on a good display with much wing clapping for over an hour this morning. Also today a Hobby was seen a couple of times and there were at least three Goshawks seen as well.

At other locations we had yesterday’s summer plumaged Knot was seen on the harbour wall at 11.00, a Cuckoo flew around the Castle Headland before disappearing off inland (only the second record for the site in recent times) at 11.25, 2 Dunlin and 2 Common Sandpipers were at Wykeham South Lake this morning, also this morning a Green Sandpiper and 3 Teal at Potter Brompton Carr and at Harwood Dale Lake a Black-tailed Godwit, 11+ Mandarins and 7 Teal.

Knot - Scarborough Harbour - Andy Hall
Mediterranean Gulls - Holbeck - Steve Wignill

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