Sunday, 23 July 2017

Wednesday 19th July 2017

Six and a quarter hours of seawatching from 07.05 – 11.40 and then 18.45 – 20.30 produced the following totals for the day 3 Shelduck (S), a Teal (S), 203 Common Scoter (4 S, 199 N), 2 Red-throated Divers (1 S, 1 N), 96 Fulmars (72 S, 24 N including a ‘Blue’ Fulmar at 07.41), 117 Manx Shearwaters (100 S, 17 N), 89 Oystercatchers (81 S, 8 N), 6 Whimbrel (S), a Curlew (S), 18 Redshank (17 S, 1 N), 2 Knot (S), a Sanderling (S), 11 Dunlin (S), 2 Mediterranean Gulls (juvenile S, adult N), 44 Common Gulls (43 S, 1 N), 133 Sandwich Terns (13 S, 120 N), a Common Tern (N), a Great Skua (N), 12 Arctic Skuas (9 S, 3 N of which 2 pale morph, 2 intermediate morph and 2 dark morph), 8 Puffins (4 S, 4 N) and a juvenile Peregrine (S).

At Malton Cote a Quail was heard calling and there was also a family group of Yellow Wagtails and a Corn Bunting in the same area; Scalby Mills held 35 Sandwich Terns and 2 Common Terns, one of which was a juvenile and this evening in Peasholm Park there was a Kingfisher and remarkably a group of 7 Common Sandpipers.

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