Sunday, 23 July 2017

Wednesday 12th July 2017

Probably the biggest surprise of the day was a ♂ Scaup flying north off Marine Drive at 18.26 and quite close in. Also off Marine Drive today were 2 Common Scoter (S), 7 Manx Shearwaters (N), 12 Oystercatchers (N), 3 Arctic Skuas (2 dark morph and adult pale morph S) and 4 Puffins (3S, 1N). Whilst on the seawatching theme a 7 hour vigil from Long Nab produced an interesting number of species including 3 Teal (S), 82 Common Scoter (20 S, 62 N), 28 Fulmar (N), 16 Manx Shearwater (N), 18 Oystercatcher (S), 3 Curlew (S), a Redshank (S), 13 Sandwich Terns (9 S, 4 N), 2 Arctic Terns (adults N), 2 Great Skuas (N), 2 Arctic Skuas (intermediate morph N, dark morph S), 9 Puffin (N) and an immature Hobby (N).

Also today a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was in Jackson’s Bay early morning; 13 Herons and a Little Grebe were on Johnson’s Marsh and a 2cy Mediterranean Gull was in South Bay.

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