Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Tuesday 5th November

At Castle Hill this morning there was a Woodcock, a Chiffchaff, small numbers of thrushes arriving, including 45 Blackbirds and 35 Redwings, a Brambling and 5 Siskins. A Pallas's Warbler was spotted there with a tit flock mid-morning and was still present on the south side mid-afternoon, where there was also a Hume's Warbler later in the afternoon. Additional counts there include 2 Woodcock, a Jack Snipe, a Fieldfare, 16 Blackbirds, 4 Goldcrests, and 19 Bramblings that came in and continued west. A Great Northern Diver flew north past Marine Drive, and a Goldeneye and a Red-breasted Merganser were in the South Bay. A Waxwing was again seen at Willymath Close in Burniston this morning but had gone by the afternoon. Highlights from Long Nab include 2 Snow Buntings and 3 Woodcock present, while passing by were a Scaup, 2 Long-tailed Ducks, 3 Great Northern Divers, 5 Pomarine Skuas, 7 Great Skuas, an Arctic Skua and 3 Little Auks. 14 Purple Sandpipers were roosting in the harbour and 30+ Pink-footed Geese flew over Stepney southwards just before dark.

Full count from Long Nab here: https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/1074/20191105

Snow Bunting - Chris Bradshaw

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