Friday, 17 February 2023

Friday 17th February

 Wykeham was once again in the limelight today. 20 Goldeneye, 550 Lapwing and a Willow Tit were at East Lake this morning and a ringtail Hen Harrier flew north over there at approximately 1600hrs.  The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was again seen mid afternoon. A Barn Owl was hunting the bank. In addition to the East Lake sightings, one Jack Snipe, four Common Snipe, one Goosander, 76 Wigeon, eight Oystercatchers and eight Great crested Grebe were noted on the North Yorkshire Water Park complex. A remarkable 10 Barn Owls were noted on Long Causeway to Ings Farm, Wykeham. Two were by Ings Bridge, two at the River Derwent banks in the Ings Farm area with a further two simultaneously more distant towards towards Hertford Dale and two towards Heybridge Farm. Finally, two more were on roadside fence  posts towards Charm Park. A Barn Owl was also noted flying north over the A170 over the Downe Arms at Wykeham. Approximately 40 Whooper Swans were in fields at Ings Farm with Mute Swans. 

Great Tit in flight at Forge Valley by Ray Maddison.

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