Sunday, 31 December 2023

Sunday 31st December

 The Great Northern Diver in the harbour was today joined by a drake Red-breasted Merganser. Three Little Egrets, 2 Dippers, 125 Chaffinches were at Thornton Carrs, 70 Pink-footed Geese flew west over Thornton le Dale. 11 Pink-footed Geese flew south over Scalby Lodge, 36 Skylarks in stubble fields there. 350 Wigeon and 60 Redshank at Scalby Mills. At Seamer Road Mere; 3 Goldeneyes, and a Goosander. A Short-eared Owl flew NW over Taylor Way (Scarborough Business Park), and 60 Teal over Deepdale Carr. A Little Grebe in New Dyke, Seamer Tip. A walk along the River Hertford (Staxton to Potter Brompton Carr) produced a Merlin, 200 Teal, 1000 Lapwing, 17 Golden Plover, Dunlin, 150 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing, 6 Brambling. A Whooper Swan, ad Mediterranean Gull, Pink-footed Goose, 8 Wigeon, Barn Owl Cayton Carr. Two Short-eared Owls Seamer Carr.

Red-breasted Merganser in the harbour - Chris Bell

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