Saturday, 25 February 2017

Friday 24th February 2017

At Long Nab this morning species of note included a Common Snipe, a Jack Snipe, a Golden Plover, a Shelduck and 4 Common Scoter flew north and a Black-throated Diver flew in from the south and landed on the sea where there were also 3 Red-throated Divers.

2 Bean Geese were seen at Seamer from the first layby on the A64 after the Morrisons roundabout and 40 Crossbills were seen in Wykeham Forest.

Coastally today there were 2 Black-necked Grebes and a Great Northern Diver in the harbour, a very approachable drake Eider was seen off Lighthouse Pier and on the slipway in front of The Golden Ball on Sandside, a Cormorant on the slipway by the West Pier, 61 Turnstones on West Pier and 6 Purple Sandpipers at the roost site.

Finally today in Langdale Forest the Great Grey Shrike remained at Maw Rigg and at the same location a Raven was seen flying over.

drake Eider - Scarborough Harbour - Martin Dove

Great Grey Shrike - Maw Rigg - Richard Baines

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