Monday, 14 October 2019

Monday 14th October

Lots of Pink-footed Geese on the move again: about 100 flew east over Peasholm this morning, about the same number flew west over Cayton Bay, 60 flew south over Marine Drive, and 50 flew north-west over Seamer Tip.  2 Shovelers were on Seamer Tip Pool; a male Stonechat was on the east side of the tip; a Little Egret and 19 Lapwings flew south over Seamer Mead; and 3 Chiffchaffs were seen on Meads Lane, Crossgates. A Little Gull in heavy moult was having a good bath at Johnson's Marsh before flying off north. 35 Turnstones were in the car park at the harbour this evening. Highlights from Long Nab today include 5 Ring Ouzels (2 of which flew north, high up), 7 Chiffchaffs and 3 Blackcaps. Heading south were 764 Pink-footed Geese (plus 35 north), 2 Purple Sandpipers, a Merlin, 2 Jays (very high up), 157 Skylarks, 17 Swallows, 5 House Martins, 332 Tree Sparrows, a Brambling and 2 Lapland Buntings. A Goshawk was spotted over Cloughton Woods.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Little Gull at Johnson's Marsh - Terry Hobson

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