Monday, 10 February 2014

Monday 10th February 2014

The redhead Smew was still present at Wykeham South Lake, a White-fronted Goose had joined the Greylag Flock there and an adult Little Gull was present with the other Gulls, also there were 13 Mute Swan, 1 Egyptian Goose, 7 Gadwall, 13 Pochard and 3 Goldeneye.
The Great Northern Diver was still in the Harbour and a second was again in South Bay, also in the Harbour were 50+ Turnstone and 24 Purple Sandpiper, at Johnson's Marsh were 77 Teal, 2 Wigeon and 6 Tufted Duck, 4 Red-throated Diver, an Eider and 3 Guillemot were in North Bay, an Eider was at Scalby Mills, 2 Red-throated Diver, 3 Shag and 2 Guillemot were off Marine Drive, a Great Crested Grebe, 3 Guillemot and a Razorbill were in South Bay and at Long Nab 42 Red-throated Diver and 13 Guillemot were offshore, a Dunlin was on the rocks and 4 Lapland Bunting were in the field behind the Hut.
On the move (south unless stated) were 54 Red-throated Diver + 2 north, 5 Fulmar + 5 north including 1 Blue Fulmar, 41 Gannet + 4 north, 1 Shelduck north, 17 Lapwing in off, 3 Curlew, 293 Black-headed Gull + 2 north, 1 adult Mediterranean Gull, 690 Common Gull + 4 north, 1088 Herring Gull, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 1st winter Little Gull north, 3 Guillemot + 1 north, 1 Auk sp north, 17 Skylark in off and south and 1 Stock Dove.

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