Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Saturday 20th May 2017

A frustrating day for the guys at Long Nab early on as two birds tantalised but didn’t hang around long enough to be confirmed. A small lark went over to the south at 08.40 and then soon after a small harrier went north at 08.56 but was noticed too late to identify conclusively. 2 Ospreys were seen later in the morning with one going north at 10.45 about a mile inland and then a second bird come in off the sea from the southeast and continued north along the cliffs at 11.13. Also at Long Nab the hirundine movements continued with 24 Sand Martins, 466 Swallows and 314 House Martins all moving south as did 9 Barnacle Geese, 17 Swifts and 2 Manx Shearwaters (7 of which went north).

The Hoopoe was still present all day at Ravenscar in its usual favoured areas but no sign of the Great White Egret today. 

Nightjar heard ‘churring’ around Wykeham Forest from Wrench Green.

Whitethroat - Jackson's Bay - Pauline Dent

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