Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Sunday 14th May 2017

A busy day in the Long Nab area where observers put in a mammoth 14½ hours which some might even consider heroic, however the wives and girlfriends might disagree with that. The most interesting discovery in this area today was a female/2cy male Yellow Wagtail showing certain features consistent with the form thunbergi, Grey-headed Wagtail. It was found in the cover crop strip during the afternoon but departed south about 20.00. Also here today 2 Manx Shearwaters went north, a Little Egret went north but then returned south, a Red Kite went south inland at 11.30, 48 Sandwich and 2 Common Terns went south, a Turtle Dove  went southwest at 08.40, a Hobby went south at 14.45, a Hooded Crow went south along the cliff at 10.20 and 11 Yellow Wagtails went south and 1 north. Hirundine movement south today included 93 Sand Martins, 938 Swallows and 262 House Martins, also in the area were a Cuckoo calling from the middle plantation early evening, 2 Common Buzzards, a Whinchat, 12 Wheatears, 2 Spotted Flycatchers (one at Cliff Top House and one at Hundale) and a Yellow Wagtail.

Also today an Osprey was seen flying over the A64 in the vicinity of Stockdales and in the direction of Wykeham South Lake at 12.20, an Avocet was at Wykeham South Lake from early morning until lunchtime but not seen in the afternoon and a Cuckoo was at Folkton Carr at 19.25. Finally at Potter Brompton Carr there was a Snipe and a pair of Shelduck.

Avocet - Wykeham South Lake - Alan Hunt
Sedge Warbler - Seamer Tip pool - Dave Mansell
thunbergi type Wagtail - Long Nab - Nick Addey

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