Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Sunday 21st May 2017

It was a colourful start to the day when a drake Mandarin was discovered on Johnson’s Marsh.

At Long Nab today a Short-eared Owl came in off the sea and went north at 08.20 and a cream crowned Marsh Harrier went south along the cliff at 10.35. This bird was close enough for the wing tags to be read clearly, a green tag with black letters VH, Research showed that the bird was tagged on the Norfolk/Suffolk border last summer, took only 61 minutes to get the details! Also a Corn Bunting was seen on the wires by the Obs before leaving south and a (Dark-bellied) Brent Goose flew to the north. The southerly hirundine movement continued today but at a slower pace with just 15 Sand Martins, 155 Swallows and 98 House Martins being recorded.

The long staying 2cy Glaucous Gull at Ravenscar was still present today but unfortunately the Hoopoe in the hotel grounds was not seen at all today.

Other records today included 5 Crossbills at the Wykeham Raptor View Point, a Yellow Wagtail at Long Lane, Seamer, 2 Wheatears by the east side of Seamer Tip, a pair of Shoveler on the flood by the motocross circuit near Seamer Tip and at Harwood Dale Lake a ♂ Mandarin, 2 Pink-footed Geese and a Hobby flew east here.

drake Mandarin - Johnson's Marsh - Nick Addey
Corn Bunting - Long Nab - Nick Addey
Marsh Harrier - Long Nab - Nick Addey

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