Friday, 19 May 2017

Tuesday 16th May 2017

Another long period of observation today at Long Nab with people present for a total of 14 hours during the day.

The unquestionable highlight of the day was the discovery of a Tawny Pipit by Micky McNaghten in the field to the north of the Obs. The bird was seemingly grounded momentarily by a light rain shower at 09.05 but when this ceased it headed off to the south along the cliff at 09.11 never to be seen again. Unfortunately the observer was unable to obtain any photographs of this record, the 2nd for the Scarborough area. The first was on South Cliff Golf Course on the 24th April 2014 and was found by the same observer. Another nice discovery today was the Dotterel which flew north at 08.27, another species that is rarely seen in our area and like this one the vast majority of recent records are flyovers. Other species seen in this area today included a Little Egret south at 19.45, a Red Kite went south along the cliff at 16.03 which is unusual as they normally go through inland, 10 Curlew south, 12 Sandwich Tern south and 2 north, 8 Swift south, 81 Sand Martin south, 1397 Swallows and 502 House Martins south.

At Scalby Mills today a Dipper, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, 6 Sandwich Terns and 2 Turnstones.

A Bottle-nosed Dolphin was seen moving south of Long Nab at 12.45.

Skylarks - near Morrisons - Mark Hepples

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