Sunday 24 February 2019

Sunday 24th February

Once again the Whimbrel was feeding with Curlew in the field behind the observation hut, while in the field to the north of the hut was a Snow Bunting. There was a Shoveler at Johnson's Marsh and a pair of Goldeneye at Seamer Road Mere. 10 Mandarin, a Kingfisher, 2-3 Willow/Marsh Tits and a pale Buzzard were seen in Wrench Green. In Dalby Forest, in the Low Staindale/ Staindale Lodge area were 2 Dippers, 8 Marsh Tits, 3 Nuthatches, 2 Mistle Thrushes and 2 Buzzards.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Yellowhammer - Paul Malton

Snow Bunting - Christopher Bell

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