Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8th June

 A pair of Avocets was discovered on East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park and a Fulmar flew inland over Crossgates. A Little Egret, pair of Lapwing with two well grown young and a pair of Mute Swan with five cygnets at Scampston. Two plus Goshawk, three Red Kite (one east, two north), three Raven and 15 Crossbill from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. A Whinchat and Hobby from Jugger Howe boardwalk and Common Redstart at Castle Beck. A family party of Willow Tit including two juveniles at Wykeham Forest. Garden Warbler at Reasty Hill. A male Ruff, Sanderling, three Wigeon, two Shoveler, eight Teal and seven plus Little Egret at Potter Brompton Carr and a Great Black backed Gull over Dean Road Council Yard. A Hobby east over Troutsdale this afternoon. Three Nightjar and a Woodcock at Broxa Moor Lane during survey.

Garden Warbler at Throxenby by Stephen Beaver.

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