Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2nd June

 At last a clear sunny day! Two Honey Buzzards seen this morning from the Raptor Viewpoint at Wykeham Forest, a singing Turtle Dove west of the viewpoint car park by the old nurseries, also two singing Tree Pipits there. Two Ravens were feeding in a sheep field at Troutsdale. A Reed Warbler at Burton Riggs. The Taylor Way Mute Swans now have 4 cygnets (two lost). Eight Crossbills at Nabgate, Dalby Forest. Good Goshawk activity reported in the forests today. Two singing Turtle Doves in Broxa Forest. A pair of Pied Wagtails feeding fledged young at NY Water Park. Two Dippers at Scalby Mills.

Pied Wagtails NY Water Park - Stephen Beaver.

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