Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tuesday 4th June

 A singing migrant Sedge Warbler in a Burniston garden at 3am. Two Spotted Flycatchers Cloughton Woods. A Corn Bunting flew north at Long Nab. The Cetti's Warbler still at Burton Riggs. A Marsh Harrier flew north at Hayburn wyke. An Osprey near Burton Riggs mid-afternoon left west towards Ayton. A Hobby at Thornton Carrs, also 50+ Swifts feeding there. Three Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale. At Jugger Howe Nature Trail; Cuckoo, 2 Whinchats, Lesser Redpoll, a bubbling Curlew, and chipping Snipe. 

Displaying Turtle Doves - Stuart Baines.

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