Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday 1st June

 Seawatching at Long Nab Bird Observatory produced a Great Northern Diver, and late Whimbrel north. A Raven was seen over Wrench Green. A Spotted Flycatcher at Bridestones, Dalby Forest, plus two in Troutsdale. A Honey Buzzard was reported from the Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A Redstart was also seen nearby. A Red Kite at the eastern edge of Fylingdales Moor. Three Turtle Doves and 2 Yellow Wagtails at Malton Cote. Nightjars were recorded s follows; one by the Wykeham Forest RVP car park, one heard from North Moor, 6 in Sneaton Forest, and 2 at Harwood Dale Forest. 16 Woodcock passes at North Moor Rd, Wykeham Forest.

Nuthatches Throxenby - Martin Moseley.

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