Wednesday 5 June 2024

Wednesday 5th June

 Four Ravens from the Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. Two Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale. A Sanderling and Little Ringed Plover on East Lake plus a Water Rail at the Water Sports Lake, NY Water Park. A Collared Dove by the campsite there, 4 Woodcock roding, a Tawny Owl, 21 Swifts, 2 Garden Warblers at Long Causeway Road. A Red Kite south, and cc Marsh Harrier north at Long Nab. A Firecrest in Wykeham Forest, SE of the Raptor Viewpoint. At Potter Brompton Carr; 3 drake Wigeon, drake Teal, 10 Little Egrets, 80+ Swifts, 40+ House Martins. 

The urban Kittiwake nest count showed a 10.4% increase on last year to 1,220 occupied nests.

Shelducks Cromer Point - Terry Hobson.

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