Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Sunday 22nd October 2017

At Ravenscar today a Snow Bunting visited the cricket pitch briefly and nearby on Stoupe Beck Beach there were 2 Wheatears and 4 Rock Pipits. Moving south there was a Chiffchaff at Hayburn Wyke and between Jackson’s Bay and Scalby Mills a juvenile Ring Ouzel.

At Scalby Mills waders included 4 Ringed Plover, 11 Redshank and 6 Curlew, there were 63 Wigeon and a male Goosander flew along the Beck where 2 Grey Wagtails and a Dipper were also seen. In North Bay a second winter Mediterranean Gull was opposite the Oasis Café.

Potter Brompton Carr held a ♀ Shoveler, 25 Wigeon and 24 Teal and at The Mere there was a single Pink-footed Goose.

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