Saturday, 21 October 2023

Saturday 21st October

 Highlights today included a Grey Phalarope feeding off Long Nab this morning, a ringtail Hen Harrier north, 2 Common Cranes SW there mid-afternoon, and a Red Kite south, also 126 Little Gulls, Sandwich & Common Terns past. Short-eared Owls were arriving again, three at  South Cliff and two at Long Nab, the latter also having a distant unidentified asio owl high north. Yellow-browed Warblers were at Scalby Mills, and again at Holbeck. A Little Egret flew south over Castle Road, 50 Blackbirds, 20 Song Thrushes at nearby Castle Hill. At South Cliff a Ring Ouzel was at the south end of the golf course, and 2 Long-tailed Ducks, and a Velvet Scoter flew south. A Goosander at Seamer Rd Mere. Two Waxwings were at Crossgates, but mobile. A Ring Ouzel at Jackson's Bay, 2 Woodcocks flew in off the sea. South Cliff and Long Nab also recorded Woodcocks today. Four Mandarins, 3 Willow Tits at Wrench Green. Three Purple Sandpipers, Great Crested Grebe at the harbour. NY Water Park (East Lake): Goldeneye, 3 Pink-footed Geese, Curlew, Fieldfare, 12 Redwing, 9 Siskin. 

Little Gull Long Nab - Chris Bell 

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