Sunday, 8 October 2023

Sunday 8th October

 A big arrival of Scandinavian migrants today. A Firecrest was found on the south side of Castle Hill, two Ring Ouzels at Gristhorpe Cliffs, plus one at Long Nab. A Short-eared Owl around "the scrape" at Long Nab, also a Knot on a nearby flood. A good arrival of Redwing, reports from several areas, 180 over Pickering the largest number,  100 over Sycarham Wood (Cloughton Wyke) , also 70 at Gristhorpe Cliff. Two adults were ringed in Dalby Forest. Birds moving past Long Nab included 2 Brent Geese, and 4 Barnacle Geese. Six Chiffchaffs, 19 Robins, 7 Goldcrests also at Cloughton Wyke.  A Merlin at Cromer Point. Scalby Mills/Beck held a Common Whitethroat, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Chiffchaffs, 20 Robins, 4 Brambling. A Blackcap at Crook Ness, 25 Goldcrests between Cliff Top House and Pipe Gully at Long Nab. Seven grey Plovers again in the high tide wader roost on rocks at Cromer Point. Highlights at North Yorkshire water Park; Pintail, 9 Gadwall, 62 Teal, 33 Wigeon, Rock Pipit (East Lake again), 44 Robins, 34 Long-tailed Tits, and 4 Chiffchaffs. A Fieldfare, 3 Chiffchaffs at Dalby Haygate. The Gristhorpe Bay high tide roost held 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, a Whimbrel, 32 Curlews, 7 Turnstone, 86 Oystercatchers.

Ring Ouzel Rocks Lane, Long Nab - Simon Temlett 

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