Saturday, 4 November 2023

Saturday 4th November

 An interesting migration watch at Long Nab this morning; a Shore Lark flew north along the cliff line, and a flock of 14 Waxwings flew north just inland, 4 Little Gulls north, and a Common Redpoll flew south.  Repeat sightings of Merlin, at least two individuals. A big movement of Pink-footed Geese today, many reports, probably 1700+ birds involved (moving both north and south). Seven Whooper Swans flew south (seen Long Nab and Jackson's Bay). Bar-tailed Godwit Jackson's bay. A drake Goldeneye at Seamer Road Mere. Red-throated Diver in the harbour. A Little Auk was on the sea off Scalby Mills at midday. Seven Little Egrets, 2 Marsh Harriers at Potter Brompton Carr. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls in South Bay. Five Waxwings at Wreyfield Avenue, Barrowcliffe, reported from Newlands first thing but not later, not many berries left there!

Waxwing Newlands - David Hutchinson 

1 comment:

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