Monday, 12 October 2020

Monday 12th October

 A Guillemot was seen in the harbour this morning, and 4 Goldeneye were at Wykeham South Lake. 7 Skylarks, 2 Jays, a Kestrel, a Bullfinch and 10 male Blackbirds were seen on Cockrah Road, where the Blackbird numbers have been generally increasing. Highlights passing south through South Cliff include: 21 Whooper Swans, 56 Lesser Redpolls, and 68 Crossbills (plus 2 Crossbills north), while small numbers of Starlings and Redwings have been observed arriving in off the sea. 22 Fieldfares flew over Dean Road this afternoon, and at least 100 Redwings came in off the sea this afternoon before continuing west up Valley Road.

Stonechat - Stephen Beaver

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