Tuesday, 17 May 2022
Tuesday 17th May
The highlight of the day was the return of a pair of Honey Buzzards which were seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint this morning with the male later performing a classic wing clapping display. A Hobby was also seen from the viewpoint. Clearly a good day for raptor sightings, Long Nab Observatory hosted a four falcon fest with a Hobby north and a Merlin south. With Peregrine Falcon and Kestrel present, both Sparrowhawk and two Common Buzzards were also present. A distant Skua species passed north there at distance early morning. Passing south were 47 Common Swifts, 159 House Martins, 319 Barn Swallows and a White Wagtail. The Grasshopper Warbler was still present just south of Crook Ness. Two Turtle Doves were present at Harwood Dale opposite The Mill Inn and a Brent Goose was at Scalby Mills, presumably the Pale-bellied race present there for a while. A Red Kite over Wykeham Lakes this afternoon continued the raptor theme. A cream crowned Marsh Harrier passing south through South Cliff before 0900hrs completed an eight species raptor day. The first reported Spotted Flycatcher and a Northern Wheatear were in Cornelian Ravine.. A female Northern Wheatear was on rock fall on Marine Drive and a Common Redstart was singing between Wrench Green and Northstile. Eight Common Buzzards were over Crossgates at lunch time. At Broxa Forest, a Raven, Green Woodpecker, Tree Pipit, Garden Warbler, Great spotted Woodpecker, Siskin, Cuckoo and a further two Common Buzzards were noted.
Coot by Amanda Osten Leigh showing the unusual feet.
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