Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Tuesday 3rd May

The Common Crane remained on the field off the A64 north of Staxton until approximately 1100hrs this morning when it was apparently flushed by the workings of a farm tractor and was later seen flying south east from the direction of Burton Riggs. The Pale-bellied Brent Goose remained at Scalby Mills and the Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Raod Mere. A Barn Owl was at Yedingham early morning and a Green Woodpecker and two drake Mandarin Ducks were at Scampston. Six Bar tailed Godwits were again in Jackson's Bay and a Dipper was at Scalby Beck. A Little Egret was foraging in a roadside ditch between Brompton and Snainton and a Red Kite was over fields near Thornton Dale. A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling by the railway line between Seamer Road Mere and Dean's Garden Centre. A Common Swift was over Morrison's at Eastfield this afternoon and another Common Swift, the first spring record for the area, was seen between Long Nab and Cloughton Wyke before heading off north. A Tree Pipit, 47 Barn Swallows and a House Martin flew north there and three Yellow Wagtails, 27 Barn Swallows and a further 193 Barn Swallows flew south there. Four Lesser Whitethroats and a Sedge Warbler were also recorded. A Northern Wheatear flew north at Long Nab after briefly landing on the Nab.
Treecreeper by Phil Bennett.

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