Monday, 12 September 2022

Monday 12th September

 The sight of numerous House Martins feeding over the valley south of Wrench Green was a prelude to an amazing southerly passage through the recording area. By 1110hrs, 5,371 had passed through South Cliff along with 1,614 Swallows, 32 Sand Martins, seven Common Swifts, nine Grey Wagtails and a single Yellow Wagtail. Four Northern Wheatears were present. This astounding passage of House Martins was also noted from Long Nab Obs where a day record count of 11,360 was noted before rain at 1530hrs. Also south past there were three Hobbys and five Common Swift. A Common Sandpiper was feeding on the seaweed at The Hundales and two Northern Wheatears were also present. The first YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER of the autumn was in the ringing plantation at Long Nab along with a Common Redstart and a Garden Warbler was in Crook Ness.  The second BARRED WARBLER in three days was at the seaward end of Cornelian Ravine, typically elusive and sub-singing occasionally. Three Little Egrets were at Brompton Ponds and a Coot was at Scalby Mills. An adult Mediterranean Gull and the long staying Whooper Swan were at Seamer Road Mere. One Gadwall, seven Wigeon, eight Teal, 124 Lapwing, two Common Sandpiper, one Hobby and one Barn Owl were at Wykeham Lakes this afternoon. At Gristhorpe Bay this evening, there was one Little Egret, 92 Curlew, 132 Oystercatcher, eight Turnstone, four |Dunlin, 15 Redshank, one Ringed Plover, 10 Teal, eight Grey Heron, 11 Cormorant and one Stonechat. There were six Grey Partridge and one Northern Wheatear at Mount Pleasant Farm. A Green Sandpiper, one Spotted Flycatcher, one Common Whitethroat and seven Chiffchaff were at Thornton Carrs.

Mute Swan by Beverley Senturk.

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