Saturday 10 September 2022

Saturday 10th September

 A BARRED WARBLER was found late in the afternoon on the north side of Crook Ness but was typically elusive. Other new arrivals there were two Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Common Whitethroat and Common Redstart. Three Dippers were under the bridge at Scalby Mills early morning and a pair of Peregrine Falcons were hunting waders there,  A Balearic Shearwater passed close and north past Cornelian at 0815hrs and an Osprey flew west at Wykeham East Lake at 0930hrs. 84 Lapwing were also present. At least one elusive Pied Flycatcher remained at Cliff Top House this morning and a juvenile Long-tailed Skua flew north past Long Nab Obs at 0958hrs. An injured Red-throated Diver was in the harbour and an adult Mediterranean Gull was in Cayton Bay. Migrants noted along South Cliff today included four Common Redstarts, two Whinchat, three Northern Wheatear and one Pied Flycatcher. A Greenshank also flew south there and 16 Pink-footed Geese, the first of autumn flew south through South Cliff having been initially seen south past Hayburn Wyke. A Quail was flushed from the Cleveland Way just north of the Blue Dolphin and at least 61 Sandwich Terns were on Scalby Mills rocks with one Purple Sandpiper. A Sanderling was in North Bay and the Lapwing count at Wykeham East Lake had risen to 135. Also present there were 25 Swallows, 36 Coot, nine Teal, 15 Great Black-backed Gulls, one Lesser Black-backed Gull and two Great crested Grebes. A Whinchat was north of Long Nab Obs and a Turtle Dove was in Hundale Plantation. 20 Sooty Shearwaters and three Northern Pintail flew north past Long Nab Obs and four Eiders flew south.

Sanderling by Christopher Bell.

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