Thursday, 8 September 2022

Thursday 8th September

 Another busy day. An Osprey passed south over South Cliff heading towards Cornelian Bay at 1012hrs. Also south through South Cliff this morning were an Eider, six Greenshank, three Ruff, seven Knot (23N), 17 Dunlin (40N), one juvenile Little Gull and 104 Common Tern. Five Common Sandpipers were present on Black Rocks and six Whitethroat, two Lesser Whitethroat, two Willow Warbler, one Whinchat and a Garden Warbler were grounded there. One Northern Wheatear and one Purple Sandpiper were in the Harbour and a Common Swift flew south over the Castle..23 Northern Wheatear and a Whinchat were on the Castle Tops (English Heritage area) and two Common Redstart and a Northern Wheatear were inside the wall on Marine Drive.30 Common Terns, six Sandwich Terns, one Kingfisher, three Wigeon, five Teal and one Ringed Plover were in the area of Scalby Mills/North Bay. Wykeham East lake hosted four Ringed Plover, two Dunlin, one Green Sandpiper, 55 Lapwing, three Gadwall and eight Wigeon. The daily totals from Long Nab included 16 Northern Wheatear, one Whinchat, two Common Redstarts, two Spotted Flycatchers, two Pied Flycatchers, seven Willow Warblers and three Garden Warblers . A protracted watch at Gristhorpe Bay this afternoon produced two Common Redstart, nine Northern Wheatear, one Whinchat, two pairs of Stonechat, four Grey Partridge, 19 Pied Wagtail, 250 Goldfinch, 80 Linnet, one Common Sandpiper, one Whimbrel two Curlew, two Bar-tailed Godwit, nine Dunlin, 14 Turnstone, two Ringed Plover, five Redshank, 106 Oystercatcher, 19 Teal, three Wigeon, nine Grey Heron, 18 Cormorant, four Sandwich Tern, 24 Great Black-backed Gulls, one Lesser Black-backed Gull, 108 Swallow, 70 House martin and 14 Meadow Pipit. Passing Long Nob Obs today were 52 Ringed Plover, three Grey Plover, one Spotted Redshank (in off the sea and then NW), three Greenshank, 29 Bar-tailed Godwits, one Merlin, four Common Swifts and 2,143 Meadow Pipits south. Another day which showed obvious signs of an afternoon arrival of common migrants following the passing of a weather front.

Chiffchaff by Terry Crook.

God Bless the Queen, God Save the King. A sad day and our thoughts are with HM family at this particularly sad time. A pleasure to have served on behalf of you Ma'am. Rest in Peace, Rest Easy.

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