Sunday, 8 January 2023

Sunday 8th January

 Nine Goldeneye, 46 Tufted Duck, two redhead Goosander, one Shoveler, one Water Rail, a second calendar year Mediterranean Gull and the now resident Whooper Swan were at Seamer Road Mere.  In the area of Seamer Tip from before first light this morning, there were 11 Pink-footed Geese, two Little Egret, four Short-eared Owls, three Barn Owls, one Tawny Owl and nine plus Woodcock. A drake Goosander was at Burton Riggs and a Great crested Grebe was in the harbour as well as two Great Black-backed Gulls. 19 Fulmar were back on Castle headland and a Guillemot was on the sea off Marine Drive. A Shelduck flew south there.72 Teal and four Wigeon were at Johnson's Marsh early morning and nine Grey Herons were there at high tide. Two Grey Plover, seven Ringed Plover, four Purple Sandpipers and a Dunlin were in Jackson's Bay and a Kingfisher and a Dipper were at Peasholm Park. Three Common Buzzards were over Scalby Nabs/Hay Brow and a Fieldfare was also seen.

Redhead Goosanders, Scarborough Mere by Christopher Bell.

The Scarborough Birders Bird Race Team amassed a total of 83 species today from pre dawn to sunset, covering a total of 17 miles on a non motorised event from Seamer Tip through to Cromer Point, stopping at several locations en route to add species. All monied raised by teams from all over Yorkshire today will be donated to the Little Tern Project at Spurn and in memory of the late Michael Clegg, a much respected Yorkshire born naturalist, Thanks to all members who contributed to this most worthwhile cause and congratulations not only to the Scarborough Team but also to all teams taking part.

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