Saturday, 6 May 2023

Saturday 6th May

 Wood Sandpipers were still present at Potter Brompton Carr and Mayville Flash. A Hooded Crow, 2 Arctic Terns, and a Marsh Harrier flew south at South Cliff. A Marsh Harrier flew SE at Gristhorpe, where a late Fieldfare was also present. Also at Mayville Flash were 5 Ruff, 4 Dunlin, 7 Curlew, Ringed Plover and 12+ Whimbrel. The pair of Garganey remain at Potter Brompton Carr, also there were 2 Wigeon,  a female Goosander, 12 Shelduck, Common Sandpiper, 3 Greenshank, 6 Ruff, 5 Dunlin, 19 Ringed Plovers, Grey Plover, 4 Little Egrets and a Great White Egret. A Bar-tailed Godwit and Sedge Warbler were at Jackson's Bay. Cuckoos were at Harwood Dale Forest and Low North Camp, the latter site hoasting a Raven. A drake Pintail was at Burton Riggs.  Three Tree Pipits and a Redstart at Harwood Dale Forest. Four Redstarts were at Raincliffe Woods, plus one at Scarwell Woof (Forge Valley). Three Red-throated Divers in South Bay. Swallows were moving south along the coast throughout the day. Common Whitethroats are back again in very good numbers this spring. A Raven near Scarborough Athletic's ground.

Common Whitethroat Seamer Tip pool - Simon Temlett

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