Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Wednesday 18th January 2017

At Long Nab today 2 Great Northern Divers flew north as did 2 (Dark-bellied) Brent Geese plus 35 Red-throated Divers, 8 Shelduck and 3 Pink-footed Geese whilst a Tundra Bean Goose flew to the south. There were also 13 Red-throated Divers on the sea some of which were regularly calling. Also in this area were a Lapland Bunting in the stubble field to the north of the obs and at Crook Ness the 16 Shore Larks were seen again in the field to the south but then flew to the one to the north.

2 Kingfishers were at Scalby Mills with a total of 17 Shags in North Bay, at least one Black Redstart and the Stonechat were still present on Royal Albert Drive and in the Harbour we had 2 Black-necked Grebes, a Great Northern Diver and a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull eating a crab on the North Pier.

There was a Great Northern Diver in South Bay and the 2 Long-tailed Ducks were still off Holbeck where 7 Mediterranean Gulls (5 adults, 2 1st winters) were also present.

The number of Goosanders at The Mere had increased to 7 (4♂, 3♀).

Other odds and sods today included the Velvet Scoter still in Cayton Bay, a Willow Tit at Hilla Green, 4 (3♂,1♀) Mandarin Ducks at Hackness Lake, a Shelduck at Jackson’s Bay and 2 Snipe at Cromer Point Pond.

Late news concerns a Scaup seen on Seamer Tip bridge pool.

Black Redstart - Royal Albert Drive - Chris Bull

Shore Lark - Crook Ness - Chris Bull

Velvet Scoter - Cayton Bay - Chris Bull

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