Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Monday 17th April 2017

An interesting Chiffchaff at Stoupe Brow was a new discovery today, the bird was very grey in colour and was giving an unusual call but after long deliberation the observer withdrew his initial thoughts of it being a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff. Also at Stoupe Brow today was a female Redstart.

At Long Nab today 17 Shore Larks remained in the field to the north of the Obs where there was also a Wheatear; passing north were a Blue Fulmar, a Manx Shearwater, 9 Sandwich Terns, a White Wagtail, 59 Sand Martins and a single Swallow whilst a female Redstart was seen near Cliff Top House.

Records from other locations in our area today included a Yellow Wagtail on the roundabout at the bottom of Thornburgh Road, Seamer; 3 House Martins, 10 Swallows and several Blackcaps at Troutsdale Bridge; 9 singing Blackcaps on Castle Hill; 2 Bramblings in a Crossgates Garden; 2 Swallows over Ganton and 3 on Folkton Carr.

Brambling - Crossgates - Mick Francis
Shore Lark and Castle - Long Nab - Nick Addey

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