Long Nab today, between 05.55 and 11.55, we had 11 Common Scoter, 4
Red-throated Divers, 7 Sand Martins and 4 Swallows all heading north along with
a 2cy Iceland Gull at 06.20, a
breeding plumage Great Northern Diver, a Short-eared Owl and a Whimbrel. The Shore Larks were seen again to the
north of the Obs and today 18 birds were present. Moving south along the coast there
was a Wheatear near the now dry Scalby Lodge Pond and 5 Teal on the small pond,
and at Scalby Nab there was a Lesser Whitethroat. Nearby on Johnson’s Marsh we
had 2 Snipe, 3 Teal and a Yellow Wagtail.
Wykeham South Lake today there were 6 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Wheatears, 2
Whitethroats, 6 House Martins and small numbers of both Swallows and Sand
Meads had 3 Corn Buntings, a Wheatear and 9 Whimbrel and 3 Curlew flew over to
the north, nearby to the north of Seamer Tip pool the first Grasshopper Warbler
of the year was discovered in the afternoon. It was rather elusive but was seen
a few times when it broke cover to sing from exposed perches before it got too
dark to see well in the gloom of dusk.
Grasshopper Warbler - Seamer Tip Pool - Dave Mansell |
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