Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Sunday 23rd April 2017

A good arrival of Ring Ouzels into the area today with 3 seen early morning, 05.45, by Seamer Tip pool that arrived from the east, 2♂2♀ in the fields below the Radio Mast at Ravenscar, another was by the Cleveland Way at Ravenscar and a final ♂ was seen by the railway line from Salt Pans Road, Cloughton. Nearby in Newlands Dale a Water Rail was seen on a small pond.

At Long Nab today a cream crown Marsh Harrier flew south at 10.05 and in the area there were also 2 Shore Larks, 3 Wheatears, a Yellow Wagtail, 5 White Wagtails and a Short-eared Owl, a record breaking 166 Carrion Crows flew north as did a single Whimbrel.

The first Cuckoo of the Spring was both seen and heard in Castlebeck Woods, Harwood Dale today and at Harwood Dale Lake there was a Yellow Wagtail.

The Grasshopper Warbler at Seamer Tip pool remained for its second day but was moving about a bit more today although it made itself visible at times it was easier to hear its distinctive, reeling, insect-like song.

An evening stroll down Troutsdale produced 2 Kingfishers, a Dipper, a Water Rail and a Swallow, also 2 Mandarin Ducks near Hackness.

Grasshopper Warbler - Seamer Tip Pool - Chris Bell
Yellow Wagtail - Long Nab - Nick Addey

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