a very nice day with a mixture of strong wind and wintery showers making
observations difficult.
Whimbrels were in a field on the side of Seamer Tip by Star Carr, a Willow Tit
was to the east of the Tip, 3 Corn Buntings flew north over Seamer Tip pool and
in the area of the Motocross track there was a Wheatear and a Lesser Whitethroat
Dale Lake today had 20 Swallows, 6 Sand Martins, 2 House Martins, 3 Wheatears
and a Whitethroat;
an evening stroll around Long Nab produced 13 Shore Larks (which are now the latest ever and the longest
stayers), 2 White Wagtails and a Wheatear. There were two Manx Shearwaters
going north from here this morning.
The following photo explains why some people think birders are slightly insane in the things they do for their hobby.
Our Chairman - Long Nab Blizzard - Selfie |
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